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Title 5


Ophthalmology is the branch of medicine responsible for the treatment of diseases of the eye and its annexes. It is a medical and surgical specialty.


With its team of experts, the Argentina Medical Center takes care of all consultations for the renewal of glasses and lenses, pathologies of the retina, notably AMD and glaucoma, diabetes-related disorders, retinal venous occlusions and rare retinal pathologies of genetic origin, consultations for cataract and retina surgery (retinal detachment, macular hole, etc.) as well as the treatment of pathologies of the cornea and the surface of the eye (dryness).

The center has state-of-the-art technical platforms to provide the ophthalmic examinations necessary for diagnosing and monitoring eye diseases.

Ophthalmological surgeries will be performed at the Ophthalmological Hospital of the Adolphe de Rothschild Foundation  due to its operating blocks allowing operation of all parts of the eye, under local or general anesthesia.

Different exams applied by the medical center:


- Champ visuel

- Retinographie

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